Antitrust Commitment
IDA – Italian Association of Data Centre Builders & Operators
with registered office in in Via Turati 29 – 20121 Milano (MI) / C.F. 97937060156
The Italian Data Centers Association (IDA) brings together manufacturers, operators and other stakeholders who are market leaders in the Data Centers world with the aim of representing their economic, legal, commercial and technical interests with the public, companies, institutions, legislation and government at Italian and international level.
IDA members are subject to wide-ranging antitrust regulations. They must assess for themselves whether they act in accordance with antitrust law.
The IDA offers its members a forum for the exchange of views and experiences provided they comply with antitrust law. Meetings of the IDA are not intended to deal with matters that violate antitrust law or create or promote opportunities for agreements or resolutions that conflict with applicable law.
IDA will not tolerate any conduct contrary to antitrust law and failure to comply with these rules and/or any other internal rules shall result in disbarment from the Association and revocation of membership.